
Concerts: Gortgole Fold Concert June 2019
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Well done to all our young musicians and singers who entertained the residents of The Gortgole Fold in Portglenone just before Summer break. The Concert was greatly appreciated and was really enjoye
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Classes: Irish Traditional Music Class Registration for 2019-2020
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Portglenone CCE

Irish Traditional Music Classes

Commencing September 2019

Registration Night

For: New and Existing Members:

Where: The
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Fleadhs: Co. Antrim Fleadh Successes
Monday, May 13, 2019

Congratulations to all the traditional musicians and singers who qualified to represent Portglenone CCE & Co. Antrim at the Ulster Fleadh. We are so proud of you all. A special mention to Amy Tott  ... more
Festivals: Bluebell Festival
Monday, May 6, 2019

Portglenone Forest Bluebell Festival
Monday 6 May 2019 from 10am – 2pm 
Portglenone Forest. Park

Get outdoors and enjoy nature’s colourful bluebell display.

Whether you walk at

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Fleadhs: Co. Antrim Fleadh 2019 - Dunloy
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

🎶 Wednesday 1st May
Official Launch Night

🔷 Thursday 9th May
Singing Session

💚 Friday 10th May

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Classes: Final Class of the Year 2018-2019
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The final Portglenone CCE class of the year took place on Monday 8th April. As usual a great number of pupils were in attendance to finish the year with a session.

Everyone was also very eager to

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Fundraising: Theo's Charity Fundraiser
Monday, March 25, 2019

Theo’s fundraiser less than 2 weeks away! Really excited! A massive thank you to Sarah’s Shoes, Main Street, Ballymoney for sponsoring the event. Sarah, your support is very much appreciated and will   ... more
Fleadhs: Mini-Fleadh 2019
Monday, March 25, 2019

Well done and congratulations to all our young musicians and singers who participated in our 'Mini' Fleadh held in the Wild Duck Inn on Sat 23rd March. It was fantastic to see and hear so many young ta  ... more
General: Important Dates
Monday, March 11, 2019

Easter will soon be upon us and we are taking this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past year. As real satisfaction comes from progression, therefore, I would ask you to encourage

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Fundraising: Tannaghmore PS
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

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Latest Comment: Great wee session last night. Fantastic tunes and good numbers!...
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Mid & East Antrim Council

An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúr, Ealaíon, 
Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán