
Festivals: Ballymena Festival Traditional Day
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hi everyone-hope you are all well. Can't believe its that time of the year again. Just dropping you all a little reminder about Ballymena Festival Traditional Day. If you go to Ballymena
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Sessions: Christmas/New Year Sesssion 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Portglenone CCE's Christmas & New Year Session 2014
The Wild Duck's Mallard Suite
Sunday 28th December 2014
Junior Session begins at 7.30pm
Supper served at 9pm
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Concerts: Trad for Dal
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Saturday 15th November

Trad for Dal

Traditional Music Concert

Carey Hall 8pm - 10pm

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General: New Portglenone CCE Committee 2014-2015
Monday, November 3, 2014

The following officers were elected at the Portglenone CCE AGM on 28th October 2014:
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General: Portglenone CCE AGM 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014

Portglenone CCE Branch AGM will take place in The Wild Duck Inn on Wed 29th October 2014.
All members to attend and new members are very welcome!!
Starts at 8.15pm after the junior session!
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Concerts: Andy Irvine and Donal Lunny Concert
Friday, October 17, 2014

A concert with the legendary Andy Irvine & Donal Lunny @ An Coire, Maghera on Friday 24th October. Ticket only event - tel: 028 7954 9978 or email: if you would like to purchase  ... more
Sessions: Junior Sessions Every Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm in The Wild Duck
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday evening Junior Sessions in The Wild Duck Inn every week from 7 to 8pm. See you ALL there and new musicians most welcome to come on board!! Hup!!   ... more
Classes: Portglenone CCE Registration for the incoming 2014-2015 Term
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Registration for the incoming 2014-2015 Term:
Registration for the new term is on Monday 8th September 2014 at 7.00pm in 'The Loft' behind St. Mary's Church
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Fleadhs: Co Antrim Fleadh 2014 Launch Night
Friday, June 6, 2014

Portglenone CCE Officially launched the 2014 County Antrim Fleadh in The Wild Duck Inn. Special guests included Brendan McAleer (Dun Uladh), Maria McAllister (Arts Council Northern   ... more
Sessions: Wednesday Sessions in The Sun - Preparation for Co Antrim Fleadh 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Junior Portglenone CCE Sessions every Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm. Here the musicians are rehearsing for the upcoming Co. Antrim Fleadh Opening Concert at The Wild Duck Inn with Bean a Tí, Lynette   ... more


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Latest Comment: Great wee session last night. Fantastic tunes and good numbers!...
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