
Sessions: SEISIÚN in the Teach an Cheoil
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, Dún Lathaí, Co. Antrim, is holding a SEISIÚN in the Teach an Cheoil on Saturday 22nd June 8.00pm to say goodbye and thanks to the Dunloy Comhaltas Centre and all tho  ... more
Fleadhs: Ulster Fleadh 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ulster Fleadh July 20th - July 28th 2013
Dromore, Co. Tyrone
Brendan McAleer
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann
Dún Uladh Cultural Heritage Centre
  ... more
Concerts: County Antrim Fleadh Opening Concert
Friday, May 10, 2013

County Fleadh Concert tonight on the Friday 10th May commencing at 8pm so be at Ballycastle's Cross & Passion School Hall for 7.15pm.

Look forward to seeing you all t
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Concerts: Trad for Rescue Concert
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Trad for Rescue Concert on Friday 26th April in The Wild Duck  ... more
Sessions: NO Junior Session on Wednesday Evening of Easter Week
Sunday, March 31, 2013

There will be NO Junior Session this Wednesday Evening of Easter Week so enjoy the break because we have a lot of work to do in the run up to the County Antrim Fleadh in Ballycastle on 11th May 2  ... more
Classes: 'Mini Fleadh' and Final Class of the Year 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

As part of the 40th Anniversary of Comhaltas in Portglenone, the local CCE Branch held their Annual Under age 'Mini Fleadh' event on Saturday 16th March. The fleadh is aimed at our very young musi
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Fleadhs: Co Antrim Fleadh Entry Form 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Download the Co Antrim Fleadh Competition Entry Form 2013 here now.
Competitors under the age of 18, who are competing in solo competitions and who have paid a Membership Fee to
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Concerts: Portglenone CCE Anniversary Concert Photos On line
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Portglenone CCE Anniversary Concert photos and images of the other 40th Anniversary Commemoration events are now On line:
Click Here to go to the Gallery section of the website.
  ... more
Concerts: Thanks to Meitheal and Ballymena Borough Council
Thursday, March 14, 2013

We would like to thank 'Meitheal' and Ballymena Borough Council for their financial assistance with the staging of our 40th Anniversary Celebration events.  ... more
Concerts: Gleo Concert
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gleo are playing in The Riverside Suite at The Wild Duck Inn, Portglenone on Friday 15th March 2013.
Concert starts at 8pm and admission is only £5.00.
Followed by a session!  ... more


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Latest Comment: Great wee session last night. Fantastic tunes and good numbers!...
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Mid & East Antrim Council

An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúr, Ealaíon, 
Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán