
Fleadhs: Portglenone CCE Winners at the Antrim Fleadh 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016

What a weekend for Portglenone CCE Musicians at the recent 2016 Fleadh Cheoil Chontae Aontroim held in Toome last week end!! See the list of results for the very successful Portglenone CCE Members. Qu  ... more
Fleadhs: Toome Fleadh Flier 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Concerts, Sessions, Competitions and Cultural Parades!! It's all going on at Antrim's Toome Fleadh 2016. See also the Competitions Timetable here.  ... more
Fleadhs: Fleadh Nua 2016
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Chara,

Beatha agus sláinte.
Ceangailte le seo gheobhaidh tú cóip de Nasc i. r-iris na Fleidhe Nua a bheas ar siúl in Inis, Conndae an Chláir ón 22 go dtí an 30 Bealtaine, 2016.   ... more
Fleadhs: Visit Ulster Fleadh 2016 Facebook Page
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

**For a chance to WIN the £50 CASH prize just visit the Ulster Fleadh website ( <>) and follo
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Workshops: Traditional Singing Workshop Cancelled this week
Friday, April 8, 2016

Unfortunately this weeks Traditional Singing Workshop for the 9th April is cancelled as Mairead is not available! Please pass on to other interested parties that the next Traditional Singing Workshop   ... more
Classes: Final Class of the 2015-2016 Term
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The final CCE class of the year took place on Monday 14th March. A great number of musicians were in attendance to finish the year with a session . A group of Mairead Wall's Traditional S
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Classes: Carntogher Easter Music School
Monday, March 14, 2016

Carntogher Easter Music School - Mon 28th March - Fri 1st April
Our tutors for the Easter Music School have been confirmed. 
Beidh Niamh Dunne & Elaine Hogan anseo
  ... more
Fleadhs: Mini Fleadh 2016 is a Massive Success
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Portglenone CCE Branch held their Annual Under age 'Mini Fleadh' event on Saturday 12th March. The Mini Fleadh is aimed at our very young musicians and also for those preparing for the upcoming
  ... more
Workshops: Traditional Singing Workshops with Mairead Walls
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Irish Traditional Singing Workshops continue this Saturday 12th March in The Men's Shed from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm.

Portglenone CCE are hosting Irish Traditional Singing workshops with

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Fleadhs: Mini Fleadh 2016
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Portglenone CCE's 'Mini' Fleadh 2016 will take place in "The Men's Shed" (behind MC's Chippy on Main Street) on Saturday 12th March commencing at 12pm. (After the singing workshop!!) There will be comp  ... more


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