
Festivals: Bluebell Festival 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Portglenone CCE Junior Trad Group will be playing at the annual Bluebell Festival in The Forest Park on Monday 4th May 2015 so mark this date in your calendar! Times to be confirmed later!  ... more
Workshops: Dún Uladh Easter Workshops 2015
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Workshops and Events at Dún Uladh 2015  
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Classes: Last Class of the 2014-2015 Term
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The final class of the year took place on Monday 30th March. A great number of musicians were in attendance to finish the year in a session format. They were also very eager to hear who had won the
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Fleadhs: Mini Fleadh Success
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Portglenone CCE Branch held their Annual Under age 'Mini Fleadh' event on Saturday 28th March. The Mini Fleadh is aimed at our very young musicians and also for those preparing for the upcoming
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Fleadhs: Mini Fleadh and Other Notices
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sat 28th Mar 2015 - Mini Fleadh for children Under 12 years will be held in The Wild Duck Inn’s ‘Mallard Suite’ starting at 11.00 am.  Medals will be presented on the day and the Cup Winners will   ... more
General: All Ireland Champions Knockmore a Big Hit at the Wild Duck
Monday, March 16, 2015

All Ireland Ceili Band Champions, Knockmore Ceili Band who played to a packed house in the Wild Duck in Portglenone on Friday night

2014 All Ireland Céilí Band Champions, Knockmore Céilí Band, were the star attraction at a Concert in The Riverside Suite at The Wild Duck Inn in Portglenone on Friday night. Hosted b

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Workshops: Knockmore Céilí Band Workshops
Friday, March 6, 2015

Workshop Tutors Workshop Registration Forms available now.
Download the form, fill it in and return either by email:
or post to:
Kieran Convery
15 Lisnagarron Lane
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Concerts: Knockmore Ceili Band - All Ireland Champions - In Concert
Friday, March 6, 2015

2014 All Ireland Ceili Band Champions, Knockmore Ceili Band, will be in Concert in The Riversude Suite @ The Wild Duck Inn on Friday 13th March 2014
More info to come soon so keep this date free!
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Fleadhs: Map of Portglenone - Caravans and Camping
Monday, February 16, 2015

Map of Portglenone showing the pubs and venues for sessions and also areas for Caravans and Camping with contact details for Kathleen to book caravan spaces at the Marina.  ... more
Classes: Christmas Class 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014

On Monday 15th Dec, Portglenone CCE Classes came to an end for the year 2014. All musicians assembled in the Hall of St. Mary's Primary School and joined together in a session.
Many thanks for all
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Latest Comment: Great wee session last night. Fantastic tunes and good numbers!...
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